
You can also find my articles on my Google Scholar profile.
Selected publications
Huang, W., Li, C. & Rivera-Monroy, V.H. Cold fronts control multiscale spatiotemporal hydroperiod patterns in a man-made subtropical coastal delta (Wax Lake Region, Louisiana USA). Ocean Dynamics 74, 355–372 (2024).
Huang, W., Ye, F., Zhang, Y., Du, J., Park, K., Yu, H.C., and Wang, Z. 2024b. Hydrodynamic responses of estuarine bays along the Texas-Louisiana coast during Hurricane Harvey. Ocean Modelling 187, 102302.
Li, C.; Huang, W.; Chen, C.; Boswell, K.M.; Wu, R. Modes of Weather System-Induced Flows through an Arctic Lagoon. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2024, 12, 767.
Huang, W., Y.J. Zhang, Z. Liu, H.C. Yu, Y. Liu, S. Lamont, Y. Zhang, F. Hirpa, T. Li, B. Baker, W. Zhang, S. Patel, and N. Mori. Simulation of Compound flooding in Japan using a nation-wide model. Natural Hazards.
Huang, W., Y.J. Zhang, F. Ye, Z. Wang, S. Moghimi, E. Myers, and H.C. Yu, 2022, Tidal Simulation Revisited, Ocean Dynamics, 1-19.
Huang, W., Ye, F., Zhang, Y., Park, K., Du, J., Moghimi, S., Myers, E., Pe'eri, S., Calzada, J.R., Yu, H.C., Nunez, K., and Liu, Z. 2021, Compounding factors for extreme flooding around Galveston Bay during Hurricane Harvey, Ocean Modelling 158, 101735.
Ye, F., Huang, W., Zhang, Y. J., Moghimi, S., Myers, E., Pe’eri, S., and Yu, H.-C.: A cross-scale study for compound flooding processes during Hurricane Florence, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 21(6), 1703-1719.
Huang, W., C. Li, J. White, S. Bargu, B. Milan, and S. Bentley, 2020. Numerical Experiments on variation of freshwater plume from Mississippi River diversion in Lake Pontchartrain estuary, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans,125(2), C2019JC015282,
Huang, W., and C. Li, 2020. Contrasting Hydrodynamic Responses to Atmospheric Systems with Different Scales: Impact of Cold Fronts vs. that of a Hurricane. Journal of Marine Systems and Engineering 8(12), 979.